Our office
Prior to her appointment as notary public in 2011, Cosita Delvaux had already amassed a wealth of experience, in particular as a legal practitioner within financial institutions, but also as a barrister. She offers sound knowledge and experience in corporate law and her clients value her in-depth understanding of financial structures, mutual funds and derivative products. After a first nomination to Redange-sur-Attert on 28.04.2011, she was nominated in Luxembourg-city on 22.9.2014. She is the depositary of the deeds of Paul Decker (2008-2014), Jean-Paul Hencks (1982-2007) and Hyacinthe Glaesener (1958-1982).
Specialising in civil law, the office of Maître Delvaux provides the same high level of service in real estate law, matrimonial law, succession law and family law. By placing their clients’ needs first, Maître Delvaux and her team always provide solutions tailored to clients’ requirements while guiding them in their choices. The notary and her office team place an emphasis on dialogue with the client, essential for providing sound advice and a quality service. The team surrounding the notary consists of highly qualified co-workers, who share a wealth of experience and stand out for their dynamism and motivation. A commitment to continuing education ensures that team members progress in their chosen careers and stay at the cutting edge of knowledge, which they share with their clients.
Our skills
- Real estate sales
- Sale before completion contracts (VEFA vente en état future d’achèvement)
- Sale by auction, sale by court order and auction of indivisible property
- Basic act and co-ownership regulations
- Real estate loans and mortgages
- Donation, transfer free of charge
- Division (distribution) and liquidation
- Exchange
- Emphyteutic lease
- Farmland lease
- Marriage contract: separation of assets, community of property, conventional marriage contract
- Partnership: partnership agreement with property consequences
- Divorce settlement by mutual agreement
- Division (distribution) and liquidation of matrimonial property
- Commercial companies in the form of société anonyme (public limited liability company), société en commandite par actions (corporate partnership limited by shares), société en commandite simple(limited corporate partnership), société à responsabilité limitée (private limited liability company), société coopérative (co-operative company)
- Commercial companies qualifying as investment funds: SICAV, SICAF, FIS, SICAR
- Commercial companies qualifying as SOPARFI, SPF, société de titrisation(securitisation company)
- European companies
- Foundations and associations
Our services within the context of company law:
- Incorporation
- Dissolution and liquidation
- Merger, partial or total de-merger, national or cross-border, transfer of registered office
- Ordinary general meeting
- Extraordinary general meeting and observations
- Amendment of articles of incorporation
- Entry into Registre de commerce et des sociétés (trade and companies register) and publication in Mémorial C, Recueil des Sociétés et Associations
- Will and testament
- Parental partition
- Affidavit
- Inheritance inventory, declaration of succession
- Division (distribution) and liquidation of estat
- Notarised power of attorney
Our Team
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Your career
You are interested in joining our team of professionals ?
You have acquired a solid legal education attested by a Master's degree (or equivalent) ?
You are comfortable (level C1), both written and oral, in german, english and french ?
Feel free to send your cover letter, CV with photo and diplomas to :
- Commune de Luxembourg (Municipality of Luxembourg)
- Guichet
- Chambre des Notaires (chamber of notaries)
- Administration de l’Enregistrement
et des Domaines (land registration and estates department) - Administration du Cadastre
et de la Topographie (cadastre and topography administration) - Administration des Contributions Directes (inland revenue)
- Registre de Commerce et des Sociétés (trade and companies register)
- Portail juridique du Gouvernement (government law portal)
- Ministère de l’Economie (Ministry of the Economy)
- Ministère de la Justice (Ministry of Justice)
- Ministère du Logement (Ministry of Housing)
- Chambre des députés (Parliament)
- Guardianship - curatorship - representation between spouses
Flashmob to show solidarity to « No to violence against women » (23.11.2018). The goal was to reunite as many people as possible all in « orange » and to form the symbol of the end of violence against woman